Sunday, March 29, 2009

19-24 weeks

Here's my ultrasound at 19 weeks (or maybe is was 20?) done at the end of February at the Kaba Clinic in Niamey. Not too impressive, doesn't look like much at all, really, but you can see a spine! Even if we'd wanted to, their machines are kind of old so we wouldn't have been able to tell the sex anyways. I was hoping to get a print of where you could see hands and feet, that was cute, you could actually tell what they were. I just had another ultrasound done here at Galmi this week and everything is looking good on the inside, now if we can just keep him in there until July! I've been feeling him moving around in there for awhile now, but just in the last week or so we've been able to actually see it. It's kind of weird, like I have an alien in there, or something.

1 comment:

April said...

Aww, there is baby H! I can see the spine and a faint outline of the head, so cool! Stay put little one!